Do not perform 3 This to the children

after the parents usually, the couple become more gentle attitude. This is to show the children that the parents of the good and so that the children near with children. Children have their own criteria in categorizing parents whether or not.

Do not perform 3 This to the children

The parent instincts in children, they usually will treat children with good. The parents do it so that the children can be successful in the future. But there are some works that are deemed good parents thus threatens the future of children.

This is the act of parents who thus will destroy the future of children:

1. To Defend Children

Most parents are not vigorous if the child additionally or punished others even though the children made a mistake. This is thus will make children more confident because he thinks he will be defended by the parents even though one. And in the latter days, he can only do evil.

2. Always keep the willingness Children

elders will be happy if can keep the desire of his son. Especially when the child has already started to weep then heard his cry better obeyed.

But should not all desire was given. This will make children grow with characters that are hard to the head and not patience, which finally make children easily angry and will cause problems if the appetite is not met.

3. Bought Toys Too Many

bought toys on children were no problem, but the problem is when too many sets. With so, automatically parents have taught the children to live wastefully, and the children can be lacking in when they mature later.

Something that is done in excess is not good, including also in terms of educating the children. Therefore, as the parent who is wise should be able to limit the desire of children, tells which are true or false and teaching children the meaning of the real life.

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